- Communication
- Facilities
- Finance
- Health Services
- Human Resources
- Music
- Nutrition Services
- Safety & Security
- Special Education
- STEM and Innovation
- Student Achievement & Information Systems
- Teaching & Learning Resource Services
- Technology Services
- Transcripts, Diplomas, and Verifications
- Transportation
The Widefield School District 3 (WSD3) Communication Department is responsible for building trust, relationships, and support for our schools. The department also provides two-way communication with internal and external audiences to increase awareness, understanding, and involvement in our schools. The department supports the mission and goals of the district by serving many important functions, including:
- Trusted Counsel: Takes a proactive stance by anticipating problems and providing solutions to leadership
- Strategic Planning: Conducts research to determine public opinion and attitude as a basis for planning and taking action
- Media Relations: Works with media to get coverage of school district news, and serves as the media’s liaison with the school district
- Crisis Communication: Provides timely and accurate information during an emergency or crisis situation
- Community Relations: Creates and maintains partnerships with community groups; develops ways to bring the community into the schools
- Publicity: Promotes district strengths and achievements through various platforms including website, social media, email, newsletters, newspaper, photography, video, and other advertising mediums
- Special Events: organizes and hosts school district-related events
- Fountain Valley Scholars: serves as president of non-profit organization that raises college scholarship funds for students in the Fountain Valley area (District 3 & District 8); organizes monthly meetings, fundraising events, and award ceremony
Contact Us
Sam Briggs
Director of Communication
CORA Requests
In accordance with the Colorado Open Records Act (CORA), Widefield School District 3 is happy to assist with requests for public records. Public records open to inspection under CORA include books, papers, maps, photographs, electronic mail, and other written materials. In order to be considered a public record, it must be maintained by the District.
Under CORA, the District has three business days (not including the date the request is received) to make the record available for review to the requestor. Sometimes an extension is necessary if the requested information will take longer than three days to complete. In this case, the requestor would be notified of the request for an extension. If citizens wish to view the public records without receiving a copy there is no charge.
There will be a $.25 per page charge for copying records unless the record is available electronically. Please keep in mind not all records are available electronically. In addition, charges may be added for the cost of producing the requested information, up to a maximum of $41.37/hour, as allowed by statute. Requests should be as detailed as possible including date, type of record, etc.
While CORA promotes transparency, some records are exempt from disclosure. Redacted items may include the following:
- Personal Identifiable Information (PII): This includes social security numbers, home addresses, phone numbers, and personal email addresses of individuals.
- Medical Information: Any health or medical records protected under the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act(HIPAA).
- Attorney-Client Privileged Communications: Confidential communications between government agencies and their attorneys that are protected by attorney-client privilege.
- Trade Secrets and Confidential Information: Sensitive business or financial information submitted by businesses or government agencies.
- Juvenile Records: Records related to minors that are protected under specific statutes, such as educational records covered by FERPA
- Investigative Records: Active criminal investigations records or sensitive law enforcement materials that could compromise ongoing investigations or pose a security risk.
- Personnel Files: Certain details in government employees' personnel files, including evaluations, disciplinary records, and employment history, except for specific information like salaries.
- Security Information: Any data that might compromise the safety and/or security of a facility or operation
- Financial Account Information: Bank account numbers, credit card information, or other sensitive financial details.
- Privileged or Confidential Governmental Communications: Deliberative process documents, where the disclosure might hinder free and open discussions among government officials, are often protected.
- To request a public record under CORA, contact Sam Briggs, in writing by mail or email.
- Mail: 1820 Main Street, Colorado Springs, CO 80911, Attention: Sam Briggs
- Email:
Social Media
Social Media Guidelines
Widefield School District 3 is all about community. We want to share as much as we can about WSD3 and the achievements of the students and staff as well as other relevant district community information, and to allow members of the community to express comments and opinions in a constructive and civil manner about WSD3-related matters.
We welcome your thoughts and comments and look forward to what you have to say. However, please help us by NOT posting any material or comments that:
- Creates a material or substantial disruption to school district operations or the educational environment;
- Is obscene or sexually explicit;
- Threatens violence toward any person;
- Threatens violence toward property;
- Is false as to any person who is not a public figure or involved in a matter of public concern;
- Violates the rights of others to privacy;
- Is libelous, slanderous, or defamatory; or
- Creates a clear and present danger of the commission of unlawful acts or violation of lawful school regulations,
- Violates copyright and/or other intellectual property rights. If you are talking about or using somebody else’s work, reference the person, and where possible and appropriate include a link.
- Contain abusive or inappropriate language or content regarding protected minorities. This includes, but is not necessarily limited to, remarks that are political, racist, sexist, homophobic, violent, obscene, spam, contains falsehoods, or are widely off-topic.
- Advertise or promote a service or product.
The page administrators reserve the right to not post or to remove any comments that are inconsistent with the foregoing rules.
If you have a comment or would like to report an inappropriate comment for us to review, send an email to
Peachjar electronic flyers replace paper flyers distributed at school sites. Flyers from community organizations will be distributed through email and posted on school websites. This is part of our ongoing efforts to be more environmentally-friendly by reducing the amount of paper copies.
Peachjar's Community Free Flyer Program is our way of giving back to communities by covering the fees for one Community Free flyer per 30 days for organizations promoting a charitable free program, service or resource where children are the direct beneficiary. By incurring this service fee, we hope to make it even easier for these organizations to get the word out and impact the lives of even more children.
Your charitable program, service or resource directly benefits children and does not require participants to qualify, has no enticement for future fee-based programs, and does not serve the purpose of fundraising, collecting donations or allow for the purchase of products or services.
Your organization is not nationally recognized and physically resides within the boundaries of the school district you wish to distribute to.
Your organization is not receiving fees or revenue from vendors participating in the event.
Submissions are limited to one flyer distribution to one school district every 30 days. If you wish to distribute to more than one school district or more frequently than every 30 days, you may choose to distribute a standard flyer, subject to Peachjar's fees
Every Community Free flyer submission will go through this process:
Review these qualifications and limitations to ensure your program/event is appropriate for our Community Free Program.
Submit your application to Peachjar with the program/event flyer.
Peachjar will review your application in 3-5 business days and notify you whether or not your program event qualifies.
If your application is accepted by Peachjar, your flyer will be sent to the school district for their distribution approval at no charge. If declined by Peachjar, your flyer will be saved as a draft so you can still post your flyer using the standard method.
If your flyer is approved by the school district, it’s all set for distribution.
If denied by the school district, you will be notified and your flyer will not be distributed.
Make sure you have the final version of your flyer ready before you begin the application.
Visit the Peachjar Website to learn more
Facilities Personnel
Chief Operations Officer
David Gish
(719) 391-3530
Operations Manager - Facilities
Jeff Baerresen
(719) 391-3530
Assistant Operations Manager - Facilities
Zach Richard
Maureen Maez
Mechanical Lead
Robert Nuñez
(719) 391-3659
Mechanical Maintenance Personnel
- Daniel Cunningham
- Robert Hagedorn
- Joe Pfeifer
- Max Plambeck
Structural Maintenance Lead
Steve Bunz
Cabinet Shop/Structural Maintenance Personnel
- Kyle Dicks
- Sam Biles
- Jacob Abeyta
- Ron Sandvik
Grounds Maintenance Lead
William "Pat" Paterson
(719) 391-3535
Grounds Maintenance Personnel
- Joe Granfors
- Dave Martell
- Jose Martinez
- James Meyers
- Carlos Guess
- Austin Kremnitzer
- Dylan Risenhoover
Print Shop - (719) 391-3072
- Tammy Ortiz
- Marnie Pagan
Warehouse - (719) 391-3550
- Ken Bogan
- Erik Jablonski
- Kris Wilson
Complex Custodian
Widefield School District 3 Financial Transparency
CDE Finance Website
Required Financial Transparency
Public School Financial Transparency Act
Colorado Revised Statutes, 22-44-304
(Commencing July 1, 2018)
- District Adopted Budget - Including Uniform Budget Summary (current and prior two years)
- District Financial Audit (current and prior two years)
- Salary Schedules or Policies (current and prior two years)
- Financial Data File for FY 23-24
- Financial Data File for FY 22-23
- Financial Data File for FY 21-22
- List of Waivers Received by the School District
- Standardized Description and Rational for Each Automatic Waiver
- Federal Form 990, 990-EZ, or 990-PF and any associated schedules
- Plan for Distributing Additional Mill Levy Revenue or Statement of Intent to Distribute
Other District-Specific Financial Information
All documents above must be posted or updated within 60 days (30 days for waiver information) after completion or receipt of the applicable report, statement or document.
Disclaimer: Please consider the context when evaluating financial transactions. Some transactions may appear improper on the surface but are perfectly normal and justifiable when placed in the proper context. We welcome your questions regarding our financial transactions or records.
Widefield School District 3
Widefield School District 3 is located in south El Paso County, Colorado and encompasses approximately 59 square miles. The district was originally organized in 1874 and now serves the communities of Widefield, Security, portions of Fountain, Colorado Springs and surrounding rural areas. District 3 strongly supports military families, and is the only school district in Colorado that owns and operates its own parks and recreation center.
Contracts and Purchasing
How we operate
Widefield School District 3 awards contracts and purchases based on what is the best value for the district. The purchasing department acts in accordance with the following policies approved by the board of education:
- DJ/DJA – Purchasing/Purchasing Authority
- DJB – Federal Procurement
- DJB-R – Federal Procurement Procedure
- DJE – Bidding Procedures
How to become a supplier for Widefield School District 3
Widefield purchasing department's Requests for Proposal (RFP) and Requests for Quote (RFQ) can be found on the Rocky Mountain E-Purchasing System. If you are not currently set up as a supplier and would like to have access to bid on our proposals and quotes please register. It is free to register as a supplier and you can also pre-qualify as a vendor for opportunities for micro-purchases.
Terms and Conditions
Name | Title | Phone | |
Terry Kimber | Chief Financial Officer | (719) 391-3026 | |
Olivia Boudreau |
Finance Manger | (719) 391-3028 | |
Denise Atlas | Staff Accountant | (719) 391-3027 | |
Julie Runia | Bookkeeper | (719) 391-3026 | |
Kate Martin | Payroll Manager | (719) 391-3033 | |
Rene Swindale | Benefits/Payroll | (719) 391-3030 | |
Liza Vondriska | Accounts Payable | (719) 391-3032 | |
Health Services
Human Resources
The Widefield Music Department offers award-winning music programs in all K-12 schools. General music education is offered in our elementary schools.
- Junior High School
- Band
- Orchestra
- Choir
- Guitar
- Mariachi
- Jazz Band
- Music Technology
- High School
- Band
- Choir
- Orchestra
- Music Production
- (Honor level classes available for the above programs)
Overall, there is a music class available for all K-12 students.
District Music Coordinator
Raymundo Munoz
District Music Secretary
615 Widefield Drive
Colorado Springs, CO 80911
Nutrition Services
Safety & Security
Student, staff and visitor safety is essential in Widefield School District 3 (WSD3).
The Safety and Security Department includes the Operations Manager of Security, Chad Haynes, and three safety and security officers. We also have 19 campus supervisors that cover all schools in the district.
Families should feel confident the WSD3 has an emergency plan modeled after the National Incident Management System. Yearly trainings are given at both at the district level and school level to keep our staff and students prepared for emergencies. In addition, every school has emergency drills throughout the school year using the Standard Response Protocol . Many of these drills are given with our other first responder partnerships, to include fire and local law enforcement.
Please review the important safety and security links below and feel free to contact any officer with questions or concerns you may have.
RAPTOR Visitor Management System
Widefield School District 3 is adding another layer of security to our current building-entry procedure. All of our schools will now be using the Raptor Visitor Management System. Part of keeping students and staff safe is knowing who is in our buildings at all times, and the Raptor system allows us to do that. The Raptor system will better allow us to screen visitors, contractors, and volunteers in our schools and provide us with a safer environment for our students and staff.
What is the RAPTOR system?
RAPTOR is a visitor registration system that enhances school security by reading visitor drivers' licenses, comparing the information to a sex offender database, alerting school administrators if a match is found, then (if no match is found) printing a visitor badge that includes a photo.
How does it work?
Drivers' license information is compared to a data base that consists of registered sex offenders from all 50 states, including Colorado. If a match is found, school administrators and law enforcement personnel are notified immediately and will take appropriate steps to keep the school safe.
Why is Widefield School District using this system?
Safety of students is the district's highest priority. One of the most flawed security measures in schools is the handwritten log for school visitors. Many indiviDuals visiting the school write their name illegibly or write a different name. Even with an accurate written name, the school knows nothing about the visitor or if they should be allowed in the school.
What other information is the school taking from drivers' licenses?
RAPTOR is only scanning the visitor's name, date of birth, partial license number, and photo for comparison with a national database of registered sex offenders. Additional visitor data will not be gathered and no data will be shared with any outside company or organization.
- El Paso County Sheriff's Office
- Fountain Police Department
- Safe2Tell
- Colorado School Safety Resource
- National Center for Missing & Exploited Children
- Missing Children for Colorado
- Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services
- Safe Communities - Safe Schools
- Bullying Awareness and Prevention
- IACP School Violence Prevention & Response
To submit an anonymous tip to Safe2Tell®:
1-877-542-7233 or Leave a Tip
Safe2Tell® is a state-funded strategic initiative of the Colorado Department of Law, Office of the Attorney General.
The strategy focuses on Colorado children and youth and the issues they face today. The model was based on the Columbine Commission Report’s recommendation that students need a safe and anonymous way to keep lines of communication open. They realized that tragedies could be prevented if young people had a way to tell someone what they knew without fearing retaliation.
The anonymity of all Safe2Tell reports is protected by C.R.S. 07-197. This means the reporting party remains unknown by Colorado state law.
To submit an anonymous tip to Safe2Tell® call:
- 1-877-542-7233 or report safely here.
- Anytime, day or night. 365 days a year.
- If this is an emergency, call 911.
The Safety and Security Department understands that if an emergency occurs at school or an office, there is usually not much time to warn students, employees and guest about what is happening or what to do. That is why the Widefield School District 3 has implemented the Standard Response Protocol v2.x (SRP-Extended) at all of its facilities.
Standard Response Protocol is not based on individual scenarios, but rather on the response to any given scenario. SRP demands a specific vocabulary, but also allows for great flexibility. The premise is simple - there are four specific actions that can be performed during an incident.
Secure is followed by the Directive: "Secure the Perimeter" and is the protocol used to safeguard students and staff within a building.
Lockdown is followed by "Locks, Lights, Out of Sight" and is the protocol used to secure individual rooms and keep students quiet and in place.
Evacuate is always followed by a location, and is used to move students and staff from one location to a different location in or out of the building.
Shelter is always followed by a type and a method and is the protocol for group and self protection. These specific actions can act as both a verb and a noun.
Hold! In Your Classroom is an action that may be used when building hallways need to be cleared of students. Although not a universal action of SRP v2, schools may use this additional action as part of SRP - Extended (SRP-X).
EXAMPLE: If the action is "Lockdown", it would be announced on public address as "Lockdown! Locks, Lights, Out of Sight." All actions are to be repeated twice. Communication to local Law Enforcement Agency would be "We are under Lockdown."
In addition, each response has very specific student and staff action. The Evacuate response is always followed by a location: "Evacuate to the Bus Zone." Responses can also be chained. " Evacuate to Hallway. Shelter for Tornado. Drop, Cover and Hold."
The SRP is now in place in literally thousands of schools around the country and over the last year or two is becoming the standard in school safety training.
For more information visit the I Love U Guys Foundation Website.
Introduction to the Incident Command System for Schools
IS-100.SCA Course Overview
The Emergency Management Institute developed the Introduction to ICS for Schools (IS-100.SCa for Schools) course in collaboration with the U.S. Department of Education. The course is designed primarily for kindergarten through high school personnel.
The overall course goal is to promote school safety by:
- Familiarizing you with how ICS principles can be applied in school-based incidents.
- Preparing you to interface with community response personnel
Primary Audience
The primary audience includes kindergarten through high school personnel.
N/A. However, completion of IS 700, National Incident Management System (NIMS), An Introduction is recommended.
Multi-Hazard Emergency Planning for Schools
Course Overview
This course covers basic information about developing, implementing, and maintaining a school emergency operations plan (EOP). The goal of this course is to provide students with an understanding of the importance of schools having an EOP and basic information on how an EOP is developed, exercised, and maintained. The topics addressed in this course include:
- Understanding incident management.
- Forming the planning team.
- Understanding the situation.
- Developing a school emergency operations plan.
- Incorporating the Incident Command System principles and roles in the school emergency operations plan.
- Training, exercising, and maintaining the school emergency operations plan.
Primary Audience
This course is designed for teachers, substitute teachers, counselors, parent volunteers, coaches, bus drivers, and students. However, anyone with a personal or professional interest in school preparedness is welcome to participate. School administrators, principals, and first responders alike will find useful information in this course.
Visit the FEMA website and course details.
The Widefield School District 3 Safety & Security Department monitors and maintains the security systems. This includes the access control, closed circuit television systems (CCTV) and various intruder detection systems. The security components are fully integrated at each school. All of the schools’ systems comprise a seamless, districtwide networked security management system.
The most visible security equipment at the schools is the proximity card readers at designated entrances and the security cameras on the exterior of the building. Proximity card readers provide accountability for who is coming into the building. CCTV cameras are a useful crime deterrent, and, by working in conjunction with the access controls system, the cameras provide accountability for access during both regular business hours and outside of business hours (nights and weekends). The cameras also provide surveillance of the school grounds.
In addition to providing detection of unauthorized entries into the schools, the security system addresses key control, vandalism, and emergency planning issues. This provides Widefield School District with documentation on who accesses the schools and when they are accessed. Exterior cameras and detection devices provide prevention, notification, and documentation of vandal-related incidents. The security system also helps in planning and preparing for emergencies by allowing the school to be locked down from the school's main office or from the Widefield School District security office, and it provides camera views of the exterior during a lockdown situation.
Please know that the safety of the students in our care is of the utmost importance. While it is impossible to guarantee that dangerous situations will never happen in and around our schools, we take far-reaching preventive measures. The most important thing we can do is be aware of who is in and around our schools.
It has been standard practice to require visitors to check in at the main office and receive a visitor’s badge. We are asking all school personnel to make sure this is a priority.
We stress to employees the importance of stopping individuals they do not know. Students, especially older ones, are asked to report any unidentified individuals to a teacher or other school official right away.
We are also taking extra care to keep non-essential doors locked. Our high schools have multiple entrances, but we are restricting access at each high school.
You as parents and neighbors of our schools can be very helpful by being aware of what is going on in and around the building and reporting unusual activity.
Local law enforcement and district security officials are increasing their presence around our schools.
Our district security system is currently one of the most advanced systems used.
We work closely with local law enforcement through the preparation of and drilling for various emergency responses and through our school resource officers to help keep our schools safe learning environments for our students.
All schools have implemented National Incident Command System within their emergency response teams.
All Widefield School District Schools are equipped with automated external defibrillators. Each school has CPR, First Aid, and AED trained staff members assigned to the Incident Command Teams.
Widefield School District has full radio communication interoperability with all area first responders.
Continue to meet with emergency responders.
School-level emergency response plans will be revised/updated when necessary to be consistent with the National Incident Command System.
Widefield School District allows first responders to train regularly in our schools preparing for emergencies.
Emergency Procedures Handbook has been printed in an easy-to-read, flip chart format and distributed.
The El Paso County Sheriff, Security/ Fountain Fire Departments, and other emergency responders have been given the district’s "Emergency Management Plan" and complete virtual floor plans of all district buildings. Plans are updated every semester.
Security and emergency planning improvements are budgeted for annually.
Widefield School District will continue to update, evolve, and improve as needed.
(719) 391-3004
Special Education
Members of our professional staff include:
- Nurses
- Occupational and Physical Therapists
- Social Workers
- Psychologists
- Teachers for the Visually Impaired and Deaf/Hard of Hearing
- Teachers on Special Assignment/SPED Coaches
- Speech-Language Pathologists
- Transition Services
Services are provided in line with state and federal law (IDEA) governing the education of children with disabilities. Before any child is eligible to receive services, concerns about the child's educational progress must first be reviewed at a referral conference, and a referral must be made for an evaluation. Each child must receive a comprehensive, multidisciplinary evaluation by special services staff, specialists, and teachers in their home school.
Additionally, their educational needs must be determined, and they must be declared to possess a disability under rules for the administration of IDEA. An "Individual Educational Plan" (IEP) must be written in a due process meeting (called a "staffing") which includes parents, school administrators, specialists and also the child (when the child is fourteen years old or older). Professionals from the Office of Special Education participate in the evaluation and staffing process in addition to becoming involved in follow-up services for many children.
Mission Statement
To uphold the district’s values of serving every child, every classroom, every day, the Special Education department uses a highly collaborative approach with all stakeholders to support every child’s full potential through a continuum of services.
- Child Find Services
- Nursing Services
- Occupational & Physical Therapists
- Psychological Services
- Sensory & Augmentative Services
- Social Work Services
- Website Resources
Child Find Services
(719) 391-3378
- Colorado Department of Education - Child Find
- Colorado Early Learning & Development Guidelines
Nursing Services
Widefield School District 3 (WSD3) has 11 full-time Registered Nurses (RN) and three Certified Nurses Assistants.
What do nurses do?
- RNs gather health and social histories as part of the evaluation process of all special needs children
- RNs participate in the district Child Find screenings and perform health assessments and screenings as part of the special services evaluation process
- Nurses administer the district's medication policy, monitor all medical procedures performed upon children within district schools, and provide consultative assistance to district staff on the health-related concerns of individual children.
- Nurses are responsible for making medical referrals and vision referrals for children who require medical assistance. Registered
- Nurses are responsible for monitoring the district's immunization requirements.
WSD3 nurses may be reached individually through the email address provided below:
- Jennifer Apigian
- Patricia Blaser
- Lisa DeFouw
- Candace Goeske
- Jennifer Jiron
- Amanda Mikschl
- Faith Millar
- Megan Nellis
- Corenda Riley
- Estelle Vargas
- Katelyn Watson
- Connie Cooper
- Lexus Pena-Taylor
- Kendra Waits
Occupational & Physical Therapists
Widefield School District 3 (WSD3) has a team of Physical and Occupational Therapists who work with students on school access skills.
Services are available to children who have been evaluated as possessing physical disabilities or orthopedic problems which impair their ability to make progress in the general school environment.
The Motor Services Team provides students improved access to the school environment and to the use of learning tools. Members of the team evaluate student's needs and direct services in adapted physical education, physical therapy, and occupational therapy. WSD3 motor therapists may be reached individually through the email address provided below.
WSD3 Motor Team Webpage: Learn more about the Occupational and Physical Therapist team!
Physical Therapy
- Kristin Hall
Occupational Therapy
- Meredith Coats
- Jaimie Hunsicker
- Megan Paben
Psychological Services
Widefield School District 3 (WSD3) has 13 full-time school psychologists. All psychologists serve as designees for the Executive Director of Special Education at staffing to determine eligibility and placement for children with suspected disabilities.
What do psychologists do?
- Use ability tests to determine how children process information, and they also provide formal and informal evaluations of how children's emotions and behaviors might affect their school performance.
- Evaluate child development and adaptive behavior.
- Conduct behavioral assessments and assist in the development of behavior plans for children with behavior problems.
- Provide consultative assistance to other professional staff, parents and school administration.
- Participate in group counseling with children who have been placed in many of the district's special programs, and they provide short-term individual counseling, crisis counseling and intervention when needed.
WSD3 Psychologists
School psychologists may be reached individually through the email address provided below:
- Caitlin Bloyer
- Deborah Graber
- Amanda Hawthorne
- Delaney Hoge
- Leilani Keefer
- Emily Kenner
- Tashi Miller
- Megan Mucciolo
- Corrina Neugebauer
- Kayla Nitka
- Robert Preston
- Jolene Tryon
- Lindsay Washington
Sensory & Augmentative Services
The Sensory and Augmentative Services department supports students with vision and hearing handicaps.
In order to receive assistance from vision and hearing handicapped teachers, students must possess vision or hearing sensory impairments which prevent them from making adequate progress in school.
The augmentative communication specialist collaborates with members of a team of professionals in the development of augmented and adapted communication systems. These communication systems help student with sensory and motor handicaps to communicate with others within the school environment and within their homes.
Members of the Sensory and Augmentative Services department may be by reaching out to your student's Individualized Education Plan (IEP) Team.
Social Work Services
The Office of Special Education in WSD3 employs 16 full-time Social Workers and three Mental Health Therapists.
The social work team facilitates group counseling, community and outdoor experiences, and classroom activities for students who have been placed in district self-contained programs for emotional challenges.
What do social workers do?
- Provide consultative assistance to other professional staff, parents and school administration.
- Network with outside agencies on behalf of children with disabilities.
- Facilitate placement in day treatment and in hospitalization when required.
- Provide short-term individual counseling, crisis counseling and intervention when needed.
- Provide backup coverage to the special services teams in each building, assisting with parent contacts and family assistance when requested.
WSD3 social workers may be reached individually through the email address provided below.
Mental Health Awareness Video: Self Care is Essential
Social Workers:
- Bailey Cline
- Kora Burrell
- Crystal Burns
- Melissa Hall
- Linda Hang
- Tory Hartsock
- Meagan Herbst
- Ninfa Keeling
- Nicole Messick
- Courtney Pelligrino
- Eileen Pollack
- Patricia Ramirez
- Alexis Rackley
- Bailey Robinson
- Katie Tomlinson
- Becky Witt
- Katie Wilander
- Emily Zarkovacki
Mental Health Providers:
- Charity Neumann
- Tia Perez
- Jeffrey Campbell
Website Resources
- Behavior Doctor
- CSEFEL - Center for the Social and Emotional Foundations for Early Learning
- Kids Against Bullying
- National Autism Center
- PBIS world
- Teaching Pyramid
Name |
Title |
Phone |
Rachel Lake |
Executive Director |
(719) 391-3050 | |
Milly Melendez |
Assistant Director |
(719) 391-3050 | |
Andrew Fenity |
Assistant Director |
(719) 391-3050 | |
Jacqueline Wilson |
Special Education Secretary |
(719) 391-3050 | |
Monica Villarreal |
Special Education Secretary |
(719) 391-3051 | |
Jasmine Melendez | Medicaid Secretary | ||
Lisa Snell |
SPED Coach |
(719) 391-3046 | |
Christen White |
SPED Coach |
(719) 391-3047 | |
Stephanie Rylee | SPED Coach | | |
Moriah Stratton |
SPED Coach |
(719) 391-3062 | |
STEM and Innovation
Student Achievement & Information Systems
The Student Achievement Office at Widefield District 3 is dedicated to ensuring every student is equipped for college and career success. We gather, organize, update, and evaluate all pertinent student and staff data, playing a pivotal role in the district's mission to foster academic excellence and readiness for future endeavors.
We support staff and students by:
Collecting, managing, updating, and reviewing all student and staff information.
Supporting the district’s student information system (Infinite Campus).
Coordinating test administration and supporting schools with information interpretation related to district, state, and national tests.
Coordinating and monitoring Professional Development classes offered for certified and non-certified staff.
Working with district teams in the creation and revision of curriculum calendars.
Colorado Springs, CO 80911
- Our Team
- Student Data
- Assessments
- Systems
- Staff Evaluations and Professional Development
- Student Registration
Our Team
Student Data
Student Data Dashboard
CDE - Pupil Membership
WSD3 Policy IKA-R
Pursuant to HB15-1323, school districts will provide parents with a copy of the district policy about the pencil and paper administration of state assessments, along with an assessment calendar. View our policy and procedure outlining the process for a student's parent to excuse the student from participating in one or more state assessments.
Assessment Information
Digital PSAT/SAT Student and Parent Resource
PSAT / SAT in Colorado
Practice Tools
Students can practice and prepare for the SAT as well as build a plan for the future.
- A College Board account enables students to view their scores, sign up for e-mail reminders and learn more about college.
- Students can link their College Board and Khan Academy accounts to get personalized practice based on their result to prepare for next year's SAT.
- Big Future helps students with free college planning information.
Graduation Guidelines
Systems We Support
Infinite Campus
Students, if you have questions about your Campus Portal user account or are having trouble logging in, please ask your teacher or librarian for help.
Parents, if you have questions about your Campus Portal user account or would like a parent account, please contact our IC help team by email at Please use the email address we have recorded for you or for your student's privacy we will not be able to respond. Please include your full name in the email.
eduCLIMBER is a dynamic platform that seamlessly consolidates comprehensive student data, featuring embedded tools for monitoring interventions, facilitating collaborative workflows, generating effectiveness reports, and additional functionalities.
Contact our office for support in utilizing this platform.
Illuminate DnA
Renaissance STAR and Freckle
Star Assessments offer concise, personalized learning data for individual students through brief computer-adaptive tests. These assessments dynamically adjust difficulty based on student responses, significantly reducing testing time compared to other assessments. Star tests provide educators with valuable insights into students' existing knowledge, readiness for future learning, and overall growth. The data aids teachers in identifying students requiring additional support.
Grounded in research and scientifically proven, Star Assessments empower educators to guide each student along a tailored path to proficiency efficiently and effectively.
For support with Renaissance Star Assessments or Freckle, contact Angel Shell.
Staff Evaluations and Professional Development
Certified and Non-Certified Staff
Log into the district Intranet for the following important resources:
- Guides for Creating Plans in eduClimber
- Data
- MoSL (Measures of Student Learning) Database link
- MoSL Calculations
- Data Eligibility Criteria
- Student Score Exemption Request
- Effectiveness Ratings Ranges
- Professional Role-Specific Rubrics
Professional Learning
WIDA English Learner PD
Visit CDE's website for current and up-to-date requirements and information for the English Learner PD requirements.
- For a list of free PD opportunities by standard, please visit the Office of Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Education page.
- Free self-paged e-workshops through WIDA are available September 1, 2024 to August 31, 2025 for Colorado K-12 public school educators with a school district email address.
- To sign up for your secure WIDA portal, fill out the WIDA Professional Learning Form which will be open:
- Beginning of Semester 1
- Beginning of Semester 2
- End of Semester 2
- To sign up for your secure WIDA portal, fill out the WIDA Professional Learning Form which will be open:
WIDA Professional Learning Form
Please note that WIDA courses are offered by CDE, not WSD3. Questions about the e-workshops should be directed to the WIDA Client Service Center at (866) 276-7735 or Questions about submitting certificates or the WIDA matrix for license renewal should be directed to CDE.
Contact Sheryl Eberwein with questions about signing up.
This is AVID
We are AVID
What is AVID?
What makes an AVID classroom Unique?
Peer Tutoring: Students collaborate for inquiry-based learning, fostering higher-level thinking through thoughtful questioning.
Focused Note-taking: Students create powerful study tools by identifying key lesson elements, formulating guiding questions, and refining notes for effective learning.
Collaboration: Students engage in structured and graded collaborative activities, promoting mutual respect and rigorous discourse.
Embedded Soft Skills: AVID integrates authentic activities to develop soft skills such as public speaking, self-advocacy, time management, and organization.
Classroom Set-up: The arrangement encourages effective communication and collaboration among students.
Ownership: AVID teachers design activities that empower students to take ownership of content, promoting investigation and independent understanding.
Career and College-Readiness: AVID classrooms embody a high-expectation culture with college-themed visual elements.
Inquiry-Based Activities: Students master critical questioning to clarify their own and others' thinking.
Higher-Level Thinking: Activities like Socratic Seminars challenge students to focus on content, build on each other's thoughts, and think deeply.
Reading and Writing To Learn: AVID incorporates critical reading strategies and metacognitive discussions, enhancing learning through reflective writing activities.
WSD3 AVID Schools
- Venetucci Elementary
- Webster Elementary
- Watson Junior High
- Mesa Ridge High School
AVID Links
Student Registration
Enroll in Widefield
Visit our registration page to:
- Register your student who is new to Widefield School District 3.
- Complete the preschool application.
- Submit a Boundary Waiver for students who want to attend a WSD3 school that is not in your boundary.
- Find your student's school by address.
- Download the "Intent to Home School" form.
Teaching & Learning Resource Services
While TLRS does offer many services to Widefield staff and students, we are not able to help with GED acquisitions. If you are interested in acquiring your GED, we have created a support list of resources. Click here for information about GED prep classes and testing centers.
What does TLRS do to help staff and students?
- Lends equipment, such as: projectors, cameras, sound systems, Makerspace kits, etc. on a short-term basis
- Trains teachers to use district equipment, media and/or software
- Supports the district library system and promotes information literacy
- Lends professional materials on integrating information literacy and technology into the curriculum
Where is TLRS?
We are located at 930 Leta Dr. across the parking lot from the District Administration Building. We are in the southwest corner of S.A. Wilson Center, on the west side of the building. Please feel free to drop by and see what we have to offer!
What are the hours for TLRS?
TLRS is open from 7:00 AM to 4:00 PM.
Call (719) 391- 3077 to request media or equipment.
Call (719) 391- 3078 to arrange for technical assistance or training.
Who works at the TLRS?
- Terri Brungardt (3078)
District Media Specialist
- Brenna Long (3077)
Library Education Assistant
What We Support
- 1000 Books Before Kindergarten
- Computer Labs and Libraries
- Enrichment Resources (Activities)
- Events
- Makerspace Catalog
- Professional Development
- SPED materials
- Special Collections
- Video
- Typing Programs
- Reading Resources
1000 Books Before Kindergarten
The 1000 Books Before Kindergarten program is a great opportunity for your child to learn, grow and, most importantly, spend time with you enjoying great books. If you would like your child to participate in this program, please fill out this form and return it to your school librarian. Click here for book resources!
Reading Logs | |
1-50 | 50-100 |
100-150 | 150-200 |
200-250 | 250-300 |
300-350 | 350-400 |
400-450 | 450-500 |
500-550 | 550-600 |
600-650 | 650-700 |
700-750 | 750-800 |
800-850 | 850-900 |
900-950 | 950-1000 |
- 200 Books
- 400 Books
- 600 Books
- 600 Books
- 800 Books
- 1000 Books
Computer Labs and Libraries
TLRS supports the computer labs and libraries across the district in the following areas:
- Cataloging books and Makerspace kits.
- Providing professional development.
- Providing curriculum and instructional materials.
- Checking out equipment and Makerspace kits for classroom use.
- Support with price quotes and ordering of materials.
- Troubleshooting and servicing equipment like projectors, doc cams and Mimios.
Enrichment Resources (Activities)
- Visit Google Arts & Culture for vetted and high quality content to experience art from home
- Explore Exploratorium for activities, videos, & exhibits that are STEM focused.
- Go to Google Expeditions and see their collection of:
- Museum tours
- 3D models
- Historical sites, landmarks & parks
- Virtual and Augmented reality option
- KidLit TV contains High quality content for all ages.It also offers free instructions and resources.
- Widefield School District 3 offers Maker Stations that offer a variety of crafts & activities,
We have materials that make your large and small events possible. We support meetings, Fundruns, convocation, graduations, outdoor movies, etc. Call us to find out how we can support you - 3077.
We have the following types of equipment:
- Camera booms
- Livestream cameras
- Microphones/microphone stands/wind socks
- Portable screens
- Projectors/document cameras
- Speakers
- Still cameras/video cameras
Makerspace Catalog
Professional Development
SPED materials
TLRS houses and checks out various augmentative materials, tests and SWAAAC deliveries.
For augmented materials please contact the SPED department for information on what is available. Chosen materials are checked out by TLRS.
SWAAC materials are delivered by courier to the TLRS office. For information about ordering, contact the SPED department.
TLRS checks out and circulates various tests. Test documents are ordered and supplied by the SPED department. Tests go out for a 10 day limit and must be returned on time. If a test is needed, contact TLRS at 3077.
The tests available are:
- Keymath A/B
- OWL 2
Special Collections
Typing Programs
Reading Resources
- eBooks, audiobooks, and read-aloud books
- How to link your account to Security Public Library
- Browse library catalogs by school site
- eBooks available
- Read-aloud books
- Ideal for Pre-K through 3rd grade
- eBooks available
- Ideal for Pre-K through 1st grade
Technology Services
The Department of Technology Services (DTS) provides the district with the best technology tools to meet the needs of students, their families, and staff.
- We host and support coding and robotics competitions and after school programs
- We support research and literacy (Sora, Encyclopedia Britannica)
- We live-stream events (see important links below), and more!
DTS is comprised of Technicians, Network Engineers, Teaching and Learning Resource Services (TLRS), and Instructional Technologists.
- District Live Streaming
- DTS Digital Brochure | Families
- Student Devices
- Internet Options
- Remind
- Student Help Desk
District Live Streaming
DTS Digital Brochure | Families
Student Devices
Widefield is a one-to-one school district; meaning each student is assigned a device. A one-to-one technology district aims to create a more dynamic and personalized learning environment for students, allowing them to explore, learn, and grow with the support of digital tools and resources. Students are given a device at the beginning of the school year and they are responsible for the care and keeping of their assigned device. The school that the student is enrolled at will send out a device consent form. Below, please find a list of replacement costs:
Guidelines for use of District Technology | Student Device Replacement Costs
Internet Options
Colorado Springs believes in Digital Equity: "A condition in which all individuals and communities have the information technology capacity needed for full participation in our society, democracy, and economy." | National Digital Inclusion Agency | Because of this believe, there are a plethora of low-cost internet options and computer access options in Colorado Springs. See the link below for more information. *Note: This is not through the district, but through Coloradosprings.Gov.
Widefield School District 3 uses Remind as our communication tool to families. Proper account settings is a crucial component in successful communication between the district and families. Please see the Remind Guide for Families below to ensure proper settings. If you have questions regarding Remind or have any issues with your Remind account, please call Danielle Higney at 719-391-3041 or email her at
Student Help Desk
DTS Mission Statement
The Department of Technology Services (DTS) exists to support effective teaching and high levels of learning and provide a technology-rich environment with quality customer service.
What We Do:
✔ Professional Development + training
✔ Instructional Technology + support
✔ Technology Hardware + software support
✔ Vet Applications + websites
✔ Support graduations and other live-streaming events
✔ Support Technology Instructional Coaches (TICs)
✔ Maintain and deploy staff + student devices
✔ House a relevant hub of resources for students, their families, + staff
✔ and more!
Transcripts, Diplomas, and Verifications
Transcript Requests
Current Students
Graduates & Former Students
If you are a past Graduate or withdrawn student of WSD3 needing an official transcript, unofficial transcript or diploma, please fill out the form
- Official Transcripts: $3.00
- Replacement Diplomas: $25.00
- We accept cash, check or credit card
- Call (719) 391-3556 to provide a credit card number.
- You may also use to request Transcripts/Diplomas.
If you are a university, corporation, background company or attorney needing an official transcript, unofficial transcript or education verification, please fill out the form
You may also use to request Verifications or Transcripts.
Contact Us
Bus Routes
Bus route information can be found using Infofinder. For the 24-25 School Year, you may began to access route information on August 5, 2024
Please read the directions first to help make your search easier:
- Select: CO
- Select: Widefield School District 3
- Please enter your full address
- Input your Zip Code
- Selecting a grade is optional. If a grade is selected, only the school that includes that grade will be returned.
- Click Search.
- Click on the My Schools tab to view the school(s) that service your address.
- *If your search contains multiple results, click on the address that is the closest match to your street name and zip code.
If you have further questions, please contact us at 719-391-3540
- Allowable Items on the Bus
- Bus Assignment and Routes
- Bus Number Placards and Route Identifiers
- Bus Rules
- Delays and Changes - Remind App
- Eligibility for Transportation
- Here Comes The Bus App
Allowable Items on the Bus
- Automatically Approved: Backpacks and lunch boxes/bags
- Other Items: May be transported only if:
- Approved by the driver in advance
- Do not block aisles or the driver's vision
- No larger than 2'x2' and can be held on the student's lap, this includes musical instruments
- If too large to be held on lap, the items cannot be transported
Bus Assignment and Routes
- Bus-eligible students are automatically assigned to the appropriate route for their enrolled school, with the stop closest to their address.
- No transportation registration is necessary for eligible students.
- Transportation for students attending a school outside their designated attendance are (including boundary waiver studnets) must be arranged by the parents, as per District Policy JFBA and JFBB.
Bus Number Placards and Route Identifiers
- Replacement Buses: If a bus is utilized as a replacement for the normal route bus, each bus is equipped with a numbered placard next to the student door. This number will correspond to the assigned route, allowing students and parents to easily identify the correct bus.
- Elementary School Buses: Each elementary school bus will have a designated color and animal associated with it. This helps younger students quickly and easily identity their bus.
- MiLL Routes and Other Shuttles: These buses will also have magnetic identified placed by the student door to indicate their specific routes and stops.
These measures are in place to ensure that our transportation system runs smoothly and that students can board the correct bus safely and efficiently. We appreciate your cooperation and support in helping us provide a safe and reliable transportation service to your children.
Bus Rules
Safety Rules - Waiting for/Departing the Bus
- Be on time at your designated bus stop - Students shall be at their assigned bus stops five (5) minutes before the bus is scheduled to depart. The bus cannot wait for those who are tardy.
- Do not play in the street or on private property - Wait for your bus in a safe place, well off the roadway. Respect other's property: Do not play in yards near the bus stop.
- Wait until the bus comes to a complete stop before walking up to the bus to board. Once the bus has come to a complete stop and door is opened, enter in an orderly manner, give the driver your name for attendance, and take your assigned seat immediately.
- When loading the bus at school, all students must me on their bus by departure time. For safety reasons, once the driver has closed the door and the buses have started to move, students will not be allowed to get on their bus. Do not run after the bus.
- Be alert to traffic when leaving the bus - Students will need to remain seated until the bus has stopped and the parking brake is set. Exiting from the bus will be from the front door unless directed by the driver to do otherwise. Cross ten (10) feet in front of the bus. Follow the instructions of your driver for safe procedures when crossing the street or leaving the bus drop-off location. With motorists' increased distractions while driving, the need to pay attention to the bus driver and follow their instructions is critical for student safety. Pick up after yourself and close your window. Do not cross behind the bus at any time.
Safety Rules - While on the bus:
- Follow the instructions of you school bus driver - Treat everyone with courtesy and respect. Inappropriate conduct, use of objectionable language, or abuse of others will not be tolerated.
- Do not extend objects, hands, or head out of the bus window. Serious injury could result.
- Eating or Drinking. Due to allergies, health, and safety concerns, there will be no eating allowed on the bus. Water is ok to drink as long as it is in a non-spill sealed container. No glass is permitted.
- Remain quiet and orderly. Students will be assigned to a specific seat. Stay seated; seat to seat, back to back. Do not distract the driver. Keep the aisle clear. Talk quietly while on the bus. Be completely silent at all railroad crossings.
- Electronic equipment with a video display may be operated while on the bus. Cell phone usage is limited to texting, video games or listening to music (with earbuds) and the device does not become a distraction on the bus or other riders. The students need to hear driver instructions at all times.
- Keep your belongings in your backpack. Items Not allowed on the bus - Glass, balloons, pets, Knives, firearms or explosive items, any tobacco products, matches, lighters, or any item that is a health or safety hazard. No items exceeding 2 feet x 2 feet in size, including musical instruments, unless previously authorized by the School bus driver. Sharp objects should not be transported in a manner that could potentially damage the bus or cause harm to others. The bus driver holds the authority to request the removal of items from the bus if they pose a safety risk or hazard.
- Additional Information: Violations of school bus rules will be handled on an individual basis. If a problem continues, parents will be contacted and progressive action will be taken by the School officials. (See below for consequences.) Immediate loss of transportation may occur depending on the severity of the violation. Remember, school bus transportation is a privilege, not as right; school bus transportation can be suspended for willful misconduct or endangering the overall safety of the school bus, its occupants, or others.
Incident Rules:
- First Incident. The driver will address the student at the earliest opportunity. The driver will contact the parent and request assistance correcting the student's misconduct. A copy of the "Bus Conduct Report" will be sent to the school transportation point of contact (Principal/Assistant Principal/Dean).
- Second Incident. The driver will address the student at the earliest opportunity. A Principal/Assistant Principal/Dean of Students or representative from the School will contact the parent and request assistance in correcting the student's misconduct. A copy of the "Bus Conduct Report" will be sent to the school transportation point of contact (Principal/Assistant Principal/Dean). The student may receive an in-school consequence.
- Third Incident. The driver will address the student at the earliest opportunity. A Principal/Assistant Principal/Dean of Students or representative from the School will contact the parent and request assistance in correcting the student's misconduct. On this, third reported incident, the student will receive and in-school consequence and/or may lose all district-provided transportation privileges for a period to be determined by a School Representative. Parents are responsible for their child's transportation to and from school during this time.
- Fourth Incident. The driver will address the student at the earliest opportunity. A Principal/Assistant Principal/Dean of Students or representative from the School will contact the parent and request assistance in correcting the student's misconduct. on this, fourth reported incident, the student will receive an in-school consequence and may lose all district-provided transportation privileges for a period to be determined by a School Representative. Parents are responsible for their child's transportation to and from school during this time. A copy of the "Bus Conduct Report" will be sent to the school transportation point of contact ( Principal/Assistant Principal/Dean). A conference will be conducted by the School and Transportation Operations Manager to determine continued eligibility, before reinstatement of the bus riding privileges. The following individuals shall be in attendance: The parent/guardian, the student, and the bus driver.
- Additional Incidents. Additional incidents may result in removal from the bus for the remainder of the semester or school year. End-of-year violations/disciplinary actions may carry over to the beginning of the following school year. Parents are then responsible for their child's transportation to and from school.
NOTE: Immediate loss of transportation privileges may occur depending on the severity of the violation. (Violations may include, but are not limited to: weapons on the bus, drugs, smoking, physical violence, vandalism, actions that may adversely impact the safety of others, etc.) Violations may be subject to additional school/district administrative and/or disciplinary action. Willful damage to the bus or equipment may have the cost repair assessed to the offender.
Delays and Changes - Remind App
Eligibility for Transportation
- Elementary Students (K-5): Transportation is provided for students whole home address exceeds 1.5 miles from their home school
- Secondary Students (6-12): Transportation is available for students who home address exceeds 2.5 miles from their home school.
- Special Needs Students: Transportation is provided as outlined in their Individualized Education Plan (IEP) or 504 Plan.
Here Comes The Bus App
“Here Comes the Bus,” a free app for students and parents to get real-time information on bus arrivals, locations, and much more!
- Location of your child’s bus on a map
- Scheduled and an actual bus arrival times at home and school
- Push and email alerts when: Bus has entered radius of around the home stop, Bus has been substituted, Student has scanned on and off the bus, including bus number, time & location
- Open this the Here Comes The Bus page in your web browser
- Choose a Username, Password, and enter School Code: 74956
- Once signed in, add student(s) by going to the “My Account” tab, scroll down to “My Student,” and click add.
- Enter student(s) name and ID #.
- Once student(s) have been added, you can set parameters on how you’d like to be notified under the “Notifications” tab.
- “Here Comes the Bus” can be downloaded for free in the iTunes or Google play stores.
Contact Us
Address: 4445 Foreign Trade Zone Blvd, Colorado Springs, CO 80925
Main Phone: (719) 391-3540
Days/Hours of Operation:
Monday-Friday 6:00 AM-5:00 PM
Summer Hours of Operation:
Monday-Friday 7:00 AM-3:00 PM
We're Hiring!
Policy for Riding a Different School Bus
Students are only permitted to ride their assigned school bus. However, in exceptional circumstances and with advance notice, a student may be allowed to ride a different bus. To request such an exception, please adhere to the following procedures.
Contact Information: Parents must contact both the Transportation Router, Kendra Larsen, at and the Assistant Operations Manager, Rick Fenton, at, via email.
2. Required Information: The email must include:
- Student's name
- Host student's name
- Parent/Guardian's name
- Host student's Parent/Guardian's name
- Address and phone number of the host family
- Bus number requested
- School of attendance
- Reason for the request
3. Approval Process: Please note that approval is not guaranteed. Several factors will be considered, including bus capacity, notification from both sets of parents, and route schedules.
4. Response Time: Allow a minimum of 48 hours for a response. Parents should wait for confirmation from the management team regarding the request.
Handwritten permission from parents or guardians is not acceptable. The safety of our students is our utmost priority. Thank you for your cooperation.
Special Education Transportation Information
- Students who receive Special Education Transportation, will be receiving a phone call in regards to your student’s bus route information.
- If you have not heard from Transportation a 1-2 days before school is to start, please call 719-391-3544 to speak to our Special Needs Lead Coordinator.
Transportation Facts
- School transportation is provided free of charge as a courtesy to all eligible students. While the District is not legally required to provide transportation to all students, we are committed to serving those who qualify.
- Please note that only students assigned to a bus, may ride.
- To ensure safe transportation, all students riding District vehicles must conduct themselves appropriately.
Jason Schwartz
Operations Manager
Rick Fenton
Assistant Operations Manager
Yvonne Morrison
Special Education Lead Coordinator
Susan Ortega
Kendra Larsen
Kimberly Johnston
719-391-3540 (Main Line)
Scott Teague
Trip Coordinator/Dispatcher
Mechanic Department
Gary Wilson
Lead Mechanic