(updated February 13, 2024)
COVID Relief Funding Survey Results
School districts across the country are receiving American Rescue Plan Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER III) Funds to help address COVID-19 recovery. Read more about ESSER III.
What is ESSER III Funding?
ESSER III funding must be used to meet needs resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic. These funds are one-time or short-term expenditures to address the ongoing impact of the pandemic. The funding is intended to:
- Safely reopen and sustain the safe operation of schools, and
- Address the impact of the coronavirus pandemic on students in areas such as learning loss and mental health supports.
How much ESSER III funding are we receiving?
WSD3 has been allocated $11.2 million in ESSER III funds. From that funding, James Madison Charter Academy (JMCA) is allocated $111,710.
How long do we have to use ESSER III funding?
These are one-time funds and should not be used for ongoing costs. Funds much be spent by September, 2024.
The survey was given to parents, staff, and students in 8th and 11th grades to receive input on how ESSER III funds should be applied. Survey results were presented to the District Advisory and Accountability Committee (DAAC) as well as the Widefield Board of Education who provided additional feedback and guidance.
Funding Plan:
Approximated dollar amounts may not add to total due to rounding, subject to revision.
Learning Loss - $4.0 million
At least 20% of funds must be spent on learning loss
- K-5 summer school through July 2024
- 6-12 summer school through July 2024
- 9-12 credit recovery through June 2024
- D3 My Way expansion (school vs program)
- Two additional instructional days
- Interventionists
- Reading Plus grade 3-12
- Reading Plus - grades 4-8
- ALEKS math K-12
- Literacy Consultant
- STAR Math - grades 2-8
- Behavior TOSAs at French and Sunrise Elementary Schools through June 2024
- Added teachers to reduce class size
Health & Safety Needs - $2.9 million
- Ventilation project at Watson Junior High
- Ventilation project at three elementary schools
- Personal protective equipment
Social/Emotional/Mental Well-Being - $680,000
- Counselor at Grand Mountain K-8
- Counselor at D3 My Way K-12 Virtual School
- Catapult program at the junior high level
- Added social workers
- Social emotional risk screener
Continuity of Operations - $635,000
- Title cuts paid by ESSER - interventionists
- Elementary teachers for additional support
- Junior high teachers for additional support
Technology & Digital Tools Support - $1.7 million
- Technology professional development trainer
- Computer and devices
- Internet hot spots
- Other student technology support
Return to Learn 21-22, 22-23, 23-24
Reviewed on February 13, 2024
Widefield School District 3 (WSD3) is committed to safely returning keeping our schools open.
We have been working closely with state and local health agencies to determine safety and health measures for the start of the school year. We will continue to monitor COVID-19 data throughout the year and will adjust as needed should transmission rates increase in our schools, and/or public health orders change.
As a reminder, WSD3 will be offering full in-person instruction Monday through Friday at our schools. Families who prefer a virtual educational option for their student this upcoming year can register for D3 My Way K-12 Virtual School. (renamed The Haven School in 2022)
Social & Emotional Learning
Reviewed on February 13, 2024
WSD3 is responsible for monitoring and supporting the social and emotional wellness of students. Plans have been established to provide Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) for all students in conjunction with in-person and virtual learning. Staff members will embed consistent, scheduled opportunities to check and connect with students in order to build community, teach SEL strategies, monitor wellness, and identify individualized needs. In addition, every school has multiple assigned mental health providers who have the expertise to support individual student needs.
Please contact your child's school directly or our Special Services department at 719-391-3050.
Health & Safety Strategies
Face Masks
Effective December 18, 2021, face masks are optional for students or staff in district facilities.
- Effective February 25, 2022, the CDC no longer requires the wearing of masks on school buses.
The District will still provide masks at each building and encourages those who prefer to wear facial coverings/ masks to do so.
We encourage staff and students 5 years and older to get vaccinated.
Vaccine locations are listed on the El Paso County Public Health website
Call 2-1-1
Text “vaccine” (for English) or “vacuna” (for Spanish) to 667873
The mobile vaccine vans are available to visit workplaces, schools and community events. Those interested in hosting vans can each out to
We held two mobile vaccine clinics with Nomi Health in conjunction with El Paso County Public Health: Sept. 28 and Oct. 15.
Stay Home if Sick
Anyone who is sick should stay home.
If they have COVID-like symptoms or have been in close contact with someone who has tested positive for COVID, they should get tested.
Ensuring sick people stay home is critical to preventing the spread of illnesses.
Effective December 18, 2021, WSD3 will no longer require close contacts (masked or unmasked) to quarantine after exposure at school so that our COVID-19 protocols aligns with CDPHE and EPCPH latest guidance.
There will continue to be quarantines for household contacts. Isolation is still required for anyone who tests positive for COVID-19 or develops symptoms after exposure.
We are required to report positive cases to EPCPH.
Students or staff members who test positive for COVID-19 will be asked to isolate for 10 days. Schools will provide educational instruction to students who are quarantined.
Read the updated EPCPH school guidance
Social Distancing
Schools will continue to implement social distancing where possible, and make available additional physical space for those who want/need more distance while learning.
Classroom teachers will continue to have access to district-approved disinfectant supplies
Students and staff will continue to have access to hand sanitizer.
Regular, daily disinfection of schools, school buses and other district facilities will continue.
Air purifiers have been added to all classrooms and main offices.
We upgraded our air filters and included an additional filter change.
We are looking to use ESSER funds for additional upgrades.
Hand Hygiene
As always, we will continue to encourage proper and frequent hand washing and disinfection throughout the school day.
Students will have their own device.
Visitors and volunteers are allowed in district facilities.
CHSAA sponsored events will continue to follow CHSAA safety guidelines.
All non-CHSAA sponsored events will follow district event guidelines.
Return to Learn 20-21
2020-2021 Synopsis
Widefield School District 3 (WSD3) created three learning models for the 2020-2021 school year. We started school on August 24 with elementary (K-5) in a modified in-person learning model. Other than quarantines, these grade levels attended school full-time, in-person at school. Secondary students (6-12) started the school year in a hybrid learning model. We brought back all secondary students in-person four-days a week on March 29 after spring break.
- Our Process
- Safety, Health, & Wellness
- Practices & Procedures
- Special Education
- Modified In-Person Learning
- Hybrid Model
- Distance Learning
- D3 My Way - Online Education Program
- Remind
- Infinite Campus
- Resources
- Vaccinations
- Videoconferencing
Our Process
Widefield School District 3 (WSD3) is committed to safely reopening schools on Monday, August 17 for all students to attend in-person, on-site, five days a week. While the modified in-person learning plan is our intention, it is clear we need to have plans to change quickly depending on the situation which we will undoubtedly face. WSD3 has been monitoring the on-going developments across the state and country regarding COVID-19 and has been collaborating with El Paso County Public Health, other area school districts, and national organizations.
The following principles are guiding our process as we plan for the 2020-2021 school year:
Quality Instruction
Equity for all Students
Safety, Health, and Wellness
Partnering with Families
Collaboration Around Best Practices
We have five committees consisting of parents, students, teachers, and staff who have been working diligently since early June to develop plans, practices, and procedures that will support students and families as the district reopens schools.
Instructional Core/Social Emotional Learning – this workgroup will look at addressing the academic and social-emotional needs of all students in the district. They will consider curriculum, instructional design, school and staffing schedules and a myriad number of details related to teaching and learning.
Operations – this workgroup will create a detailed and well-understood plan for operations to include (but not limited to) opening buildings, safe and healthy environments, and transportation.
Resources – this workgroup will identify how to utilize financial resources to implement the plans being considered by the other groups to support student learning, staff health and wellbeing, and safe facilities. In addition, this workgroup will develop options to safely maximize nutrition services and other ancillary services.
Stakeholder and Communications – this workgroup will bring stakeholders from our community together to support clear and frequent communication on the district’s efforts.
- The Steering Committee is the final workgroup where all of the information, considerations, and plans from the above workgroups will come together ensure equity issues are being properly addressed and plans are implemented with fidelity for the benefit of all staff, students and families. The Steering Committee will consist of the team leads for each workgroup.
In addition to these committees, we have sent multiple surveys to our stakeholders including students, staff, and parents to get feedback on plans, practices and procedures, as well as social-emotional well being. Feedback from the surveys helped guide our committees and District leaders to make decisions on our fall 2020 return to learn plan.
Safety, Health, & Wellness
Social and Emotional Learning
WSD3 is committed to monitoring and supporting the social and emotional wellness of students. Plans have been established to provide Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) for all students in conjunction with in-person, hybrid, and distance learning models. Staff members will embed consistent, scheduled opportunities to check and connect with students in order to build community, teach SEL strategies, monitor wellness, and identify individualized needs. In addition, every school has multiple assigned mental health providers who have the expertise to support individual student needs.
Health Protocols
Please note that the below follow El Paso County Public Health guidelines
Please help us stay in school by wearing face coverings or masks to reduce disease transmission. Current research confirms the effectiveness of mask use, especially when social distancing is not possible. The more we wear masks, the better.
All staff required to wear facial coverings and masks that cover nose and mouth.
Students in grades 3-12 will be required to wear facial coverings or masks that cover nose and mouth.
PreK-2 students will be required to wear facial coverings or masks that cover nose and mouth when:
Riding the school bus
Entering and leaving the building
Outside the classroom in hallways or common areas
PreK-2 students are strongly encouraged to wear facial coverings or masks to the greatest extent possible while in proximity to other people
Parents, please help your child get accustomed to wearing masks:
Be Positive - explain that masks are worn to keep everyone safe
Teach your child how to put the mask on and off
Start with 30 minute increments of wearing the mask prior to the beginning of the school year
Hand Hygiene
Promote hand washing, respiratory hygiene and cough etiquette.
Provide hand hygiene breaks.
Hand washing expectations and COVID/everyday health practices posted throughout the building.
Provide hand sanitizer in every classroom and throughout buildings.
Social Distancing
Maintaining social distancing helps limit the spread of COVID-19.
Schools will practice social distancing whenever and wherever possible.
While 6 feet is the ideal distance, situations may not allow for this spacing. Every bit of distance is better than none, so maximizing all available space or looking at alternative locations for instruction or activity may be necessary.
Students will be in assigned groups to minimize contact with others.
Students will have assigned seats while in the classroom and on the bus.
Avoid contact such as hugging, holding or shaking hands.
EPA registered, hospital grade disinfectant (SteriMist) will be used in buildings and on buses.
Antimicrobial protectant (BioShield) on high traffic surfaces-such as desks, chairs, doorknobs, bus seats, and playground equipment.
Watch video on BioShield 75 - Biostatic Surface Protectant
Watch video on TOMI SteriMist - Bionary Ionization Technology
Added air purifiers in all classrooms and main offices
Upgraded our air filters and included an additional filter change
Wellness Screening
Parents will be required to do temperature checks and a wellness screening at home prior to sending their child to the bus or school. (See guidelines from the Centers for Disease Control)
Your child may not attend school if they have the following:
New onset of cough or shortness of breath by themselves;
Fever (100.4 Fahrenheit or higher)
OR -
At least one or more of the following:
Muscle pain
Sore throat
Loss of sense of smell or taste
Gastrointestinal symptoms of diarrhea, vomiting, or nausea
Children who become ill with COVID-19 like symptoms should be kept home, consult their pediatrician, and tested for COVID-19 if appropriate.
Contact Tracing
Practices & Procedures
WSD3 uses an online student information system for registration. Parents may complete the 2020-2021 online registration process from home using the Infinite Campus (IC) parent portal.
Families without access to a personal computer or the Internet may schedule an appointment to use a computer at the Central Registration office located at 930 Leta Drive. Parents and guardians will be required to wear facial coverings and comply with the District’s social distancing and health/safety protocols while on campus. We also ask that you do not bring children with you for in-person registration.
For additional information, please call 719-391-3557.
Common areas will be marked with reminders to social distance and wear face coverings as appropriate.
Plexiglass shields have been installed in the front office of every school.
Hand sanitizer will be provided in each classroom and through the building.
Hand washing expectations and COVID/everyday health practices will be posted throughout the building.
WSD3 is limiting outside visitors including volunteers.
Increase fresh air circulation by opening windows and use of fans.
EPA registered, hospital grade disinfectant in buildings and buses.
Antimicrobial protectant on high traffic surfaces, such as desks, chairs, doorknobs, bus seats, and playground equipment.
Desks and tables will be arranged with as much social distancing as possible
Teachers will limit community items and ensure students do not share personal supplies.
Teachers and students will be expected to clean work areas and supplies after use.
Students will be kept in cohorts (with the same peers throughout the day) whenever feasible.
Students will have assigned seats.
Hand washing and hand sanitizing will be increased and included in scheduled activities.
Increase fresh air circulation by opening windows and use of fans.
Nutrition Services
Students will eat in classrooms, cafeterias, outside, or other locations where social distancing can be practiced.
If the instructional schedule changes from in-person learning, students on distance learning days could be eligible for or purchase a grab-and-go meal through the National School Lunch Program at their school.
Specific information regarding breakfast and lunch schedules will be provided by schools prior to school starting.
In accordance with the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and El Paso County Public Health guidelines, bus capacity has been reduced. We are still working on the numbers of riders allowed and will continue to provide updates.
Parents will be expected to take their child’s temperature before leaving the house and to withhold an ill student from attending school.
A symptom guide will be posted on the side of the bus as a reminder to riders
Students, drivers and monitors will be required to wear masks or cloth face coverings while on the bus.
Students will be assigned seats. Family members will share seats.
- Loading students back to front, and discharging front to back
- Taking attendance (a procedure we already do) to allow for contact tracing if necessary
- Buses will be cleaned three times per day (after morning routes, after midday routes, and after afternoon routes)
Bus windows will be open at all times as weather permits. If weather does not permit, hatch fans, when applicable, will be ‘on’ during routes.
School Closure
Please refer to the Colorado Department of Public Health & Environment COVID-19 Guidance: Cases and Outbreaks in Schools
WSD3 is committed to safely reopening schools with in-person learning, however, contingency plans are in place for closing classrooms or schools based on El Paso County Public Health and Environment guidelines. In the event of a classroom, school, or district closure, we will transition into either the hybrid model or distance learning model. Please refer to the instruction plans section for details on each model.
According to the EPCPH, outbreaks are defined as two or more positive COVID-19 cases in non-household members with symptom onsets within a 14-day window. These outbreaks can be limited to a single group or class (cohort outbreak), staff (two or more faculty members), or school wide (two or more cohorts within a school meeting the outbreak definition). Every outbreak will be unique and will be handled on a case-by-case basis in conjunction with Public Health. To report a COVID-19 case or potential outbreak contact Public Health at 719-578-3220.
Special Education
WSD3 remains committed to serving students who receive special education services. Collaboration with families has always been a necessary part of the special education process and continues to be during this time. In order to meet student needs, D3 Special Education staff will:
Work to maintain existing student cohorts where possible.
Prioritize providing special education services in general education classrooms when that model can appropriately meet student needs.
Maintain social distancing when students from different cohorts are brought together for small groups.
Wear mask/face shield when social distancing cannot be maintained, in accordance with D3 health and safety protocols.
Special education providers will create student schedules that prioritize service delivery, grade-level content, and student health and safety.
Service hours outlined on a student’s Individualized Education Program (IEP) will continue to be met for students returning to in-person learning. This will include students who attend center-based programs in schools other than their home school. Families of children with special needs who choose not to send their children back to in-person learning can consider enrolling in D3 My Way, though very minimal support and services will be provided in this online environment. If interested, families should work with their school based IEP teams to determine whether the available special education supports are appropriate for their student(s).
Modified In-Person Learning
The modified in-person learning model is how we will start the 2020-2021 school year. We are committed to safely reopening our schools for all students and staff to attend in-person, on-site, five days a week.
Students will attend all their regularly scheduled classes in-person. Our goal when returning to school full time is to mitigate the spread of the COVID-19 virus. We realize that eliminating contact between students and adults in this model is not possible but that returning to school is important for the academic, social and emotional needs of all of our students.
Required modifications/changes may be necessary as new information and requirements are shared with WSD3 from local and/or state health agencies. If parents are uncomfortable or unwilling to send their child to school we have an online education program called D3 My Way for families. Social distancing measures, personal hygiene and additional cleaning procedures will be adopted to reduce the spread of COVID-19.
Steps might include (when feasible and practical):
Keeping students in cohorts to minimize student contact
Opportunities for additional hand washing/sanitizing
Separating student desks/tables to allow for social distancing
Minimize shared resources between students (books, technology)
Limiting the number of classes in the hallway when moving to specials (elementary)
Students (3-12) required to wear masks, preK-2 masks required when entering and leaving the building, riding on the bus, and outside the classroom in hallways or common areas
Either staggering entry and exit times into buildings or adding access points for the purpose of minimizing crowding when entering and leaving the building.
Modified block schedule in secondary schools to limit the number of passing periods and allowing for cohorts of students to remain together thereby reducing the amount of contact between and among students.
Limiting parents, guardians, visitors (including volunteers) in buildings
No assemblies or large group gatherings
Hybrid Model
What is hybrid learning?
The hybrid model would be a combination of in-person learning and at home distance learning dictated by potential changes in guidance from the health department.
Hybrid (mix of in person and distance learning)
All the precautions and procedures implemented for a modified in-person return will be continued during a hybrid schedule.
Grading procedures will remain the same as building and classroom level expectations when students are attending school in person. These procedures will be implemented for modified in-person, hybrid (in person and distance learning) and distance learning models.
Kindergarten, 1st grade and 2nd grade will attend a full school day in-person every day of the week. In the event that local/state health agencies require fewer students in attendance it may be necessary to have kindergarten, 1st grade and 2nd grade students to attend school in person fewer than 5 days a week.
3rd grade will attend a full school day in-person on Monday, Wednesday and Friday.
On Tuesday and Thursday students will attend class online for academic instruction for up to but no longer than three hours. Students will attend specials classes in addition to academic instruction. On days that students attend class online, they will have an opportunity to conference with teachers to receive support and collaborate with peers.
4th grade and 5th grade will attend a full school day in-person on Tuesday and Thursday. On Monday, Wednesday, and Friday students will attend class online for academic instruction for up to but no longer than three hours. Students will attend specials classes in addition to academic instruction. On days that students attend class online, they will have an opportunity to conference with teachers to receive support and collaborate with peers.
Here is an example of a schedule for K-5 in the hybrid model: X = in school
The goal of a hybrid model is to decrease the risk of exposure by varying in person instruction with distance learning. Each schedule should allow for all teachers to have in person instruction at least once a week. The schedule for a hybrid model will have four or five classes meet in person daily either three or four days a week. On the one or two days a week students will not be in-person at school, they will work independently at their own pace and time. Additionally students will have access to teachers during seminar/conference times. Individual school schedules will be posted on their website when the schedules are finalized.
Here are two examples of what potential schedules could look like in the event we transition to a hybrid model of instruction:
Distance Learning
A full distance learning model is an alternative we would have to use in the event a school closes due to a COVID outbreak. This can mean virtual classrooms, using Google Classroom or Schoology platforms, where the teacher and students meet in an online conference room or recorded instruction from a teacher. Distance learning would also be used in the hybrid model if we have to have alternate schedules.
Technology: A limited number of Chromebooks have been set aside as loaners for students who do not have access to technology at home. Chromebooks will be made available to students per principal approval in the event that distance learning is required. In addition, a limited number of hot spots will be made available to students whose households do not have access to an internet connection. Parents/guardians in need of assistance are encouraged to contact their students' teachers or main office in the event that distance learning is required.
Grading: Grading procedures will remain the same as building and classroom level expectations when students are attending school in-person. These procedures will be implemented for modified in-person, hybrid (in person and distance learning) and distance learning models.
New Learning: New content will be provided that will engage students in rigorous learning at a pace that will promote learning and growth for students.
Seminar/Conference time: Teachers will schedule regular seminar/conference hours that students can access teachers for support. This time will be to support individual students and allow for groups of students to collaborate for support.
Communication to students (Frequency and day/time):
- Emails and/or class communication need to be clearly labeled with teacher name and class name.
- Buildings will provide a master schedule and expectations for teachers to communicate on a consistent timeline when they send emails and/or alerts to parents/students.
- It is an expectation that teachers respond to student/parent inquiries within 24 hours of a scheduled instructional day.
Workload: An effort will be made to balance student workload among all subjects / classes.
Academic Interventions: Students exhibiting specific or significant learning gaps may receive in person instruction.
Primary grade students (K, 1st, 2nd) will attend online classes for academic instruction up to three hours in addition to specials classes.
Intermediate grade students (3rd, 4th, 5th) will attend online classes for academic instruction for up to three hours in addition to specials classes.
Intervention services may be provided in person for students who have been identified as needing additional academic support, special education students, those students needing Social and Emotional support, English Language Learners and students with Advanced Learning Plans. Parents will have the option to select district transportation or transport their child to school.
Based on our teachers’ experience and educational research we realize that it is not the best instructional practice for students to sit and listen to an instructor for consecutive hours at a time. Our goal for instruction at the elementary level is to break up virtual lessons into small chunks of learning, allow for students to collaborate with peers, provide multiple methods for students to demonstrate learning, and allow for student breaks. Our teachers will be provided training on instructional practices and strategies that will fulfill student learning needs in a virtual environment.
All students will attend online classes for academic instruction for approximately two to three hours. Students will receive a schedule from their school to determine when each course is taught during the day. Students will be expected to attend virtual sessions each day in addition to independent work. One day a week, classes will not be scheduled but time will be devoted for students to work independently at their own pace and time. Additionally access to teachers through seminar/conference time will be provided on these days. Individual school schedules will be posted on their website when the schedules are finalized.
Intervention services may be provided in person for students who have been identified as needing additional academic support, special education students, those students needing Social and Emotional support, English Language Learners and students with Advanced Learning Plans. Parents will have the option to select district transportation or transport their child to school.
Here is an example of a potential distance learning schedule for secondary students:
We will primarily support two Learning Management Systems (LMS) including Schoology and Google Classroom. Students will already be using these platforms in the classroom and will continue to these platforms at home if distance learning occurs.
A LMS is a software application that enables students, parents, and teachers to access learning materials online. An LMS can be used both in and out of the classroom and creates opportunities for students to access curriculum and resources, complete homework, review announcements, receive teacher feedback, and even take assessments online. When used effectively, an LMS can serve as a virtual classroom offering students and teachers a near one-stop-shopping experience to access learning materials and apps. Teachers can provide pre recorded instructional videos, access to important links, and even host video conferences in one virtual online environment. LMS’s can vary in their offerings including integrations with other online services, communication tools, and opportunities for parent engagement to name a few.
Video conferencing will be an expectation if or when we resume distance learning. We will provide updated guidelines, instructions, and training opportunities soon.
D3 My Way - Online Education Program
While we are actively focused on developing plans for students and staff to attend in-person school, we also have an option for students and families who are not comfortable with in-person learning yet. WSD3 has a well-established online education program called D3 My Way that uses Accelerate, an award winning online learning curriculum, as the basis for instruction.
D3 My Way was designed to be able to transition students from traditional school to an online setting and back to traditional school when the parent and student are ready to go back to school.
For those interested, we encourage you to visit the D3 My Way website for more information. Please note that not all school based supports and services are available at D3 My Way and any specialized plans should be discussed with your home school prior to enrollment at D3 My Way.
Remind is a safe tool that provides two-way communication with your child’s teacher, principal, and the district. Personal contact information is kept private. Phone numbers are not exchanged between teachers, students, and parents. Remind allows users to receive information by email, text, and app notification.
- Here is a video demo to see how Remind works.
Need Help?
Download Remind Parent Support PDF
If you can’t find the Remind email in your inbox:
Click “Log In” and type in the email address that was used to create your account.
If you do not know your password, click “Forgot Password” and create new password. Remind will send you an email and allow you to recreate your password
Log in using their email and password
You can also reach out to as it is likely you need to get your accounts merged and Remind can assist directly
Infinite Campus
Both Remind and Schoology use data from Infinite Campus (IC) which is where parent and student contact information is stored. We strongly encourage you to make sure contact information is up to date in IC so we can communicate via email and text message. You can email or call 719-391-3011.
Staff Vaccinations
- Staff were notified February 1, 2021 on vaccine information following Governor Polis' issued statement on January 29 on vaccine eligibility including child care workers, teachers, school nurses, classroom paraprofessionals, school bus drivers, school cafeteria food service staff, custodial staff, school counselors, school administrators, administration staff, and staff providing safety and other support services offering inside the school or child care program.
- The district shared vaccine clinic information with staff to schedule appointments from February to May via email.
- El Paso County Health has a list of places to get vaccinated on its webpage, How do I get the Vaccine?
Student Vaccinations:
- The district worked with El Paso County Public Health to get a mobile vaccine unit at both high schools. Those vaccination clinics took place on May 12 and May 13, 2021. Students 16 and older were eligible to get the vaccine with parent permission.
What is videoconferencing?
Videoconferencing is a technology that allows users to have virtual or face-to-face meetings even while far away. Videoconferencing solutions work over the Internet and allow users to share audio and video either one-on-one or in group settings. Currently, the district uses the following videoconferencing platforms: Google Meet, Schoology Conference, and Big Blue Button.
How does videoconferencing work?
Teachers or other school personnel host conferences by selecting the “Conferences” option in Schoology, sending students a Google Meet link, or inviting participants via Big Blue Button. Students can attend by selecting the “Conferences” option in Schoology, clicking on the Google Meet link, or accepting the Big Blue Button invitation. Once in the video conference, participants may see and hear the presenter, share their audio or video from their device’s microphone and/or camera. In addition, videoconferencing solutions will often allow the presenter and students to share screens.
How will we use videoconferencing?
Videoconferencing is used for teachers and presenters to provide one-on-one and group instruction. Presenters may share their screen with participants or simply engage in two-way communication. Moderator tools allow for participants to share their audio and video by clicking on the microphone or camcorder buttons. When the microphone is enabled, participants can be heard by all parties in the conference. When the camcorder is enabled, participants can be seen by all members of the conference. Presenters will not record audio or video where students are present.
Are video conferences being recorded?
The video conferencing platforms do have a feature to record but it has been disabled district-wide as we are not utilizing that feature at this time.
Why record video conferences?
Video conferences are not recorded at this time. However, for instructional purposes, recordings of teacher instruction is permitted as long as it does not include student voice or images. The purpose of recording teacher instruction is for students to attain and/or revisit lessons at a later time.
Can my student turn off their video/camera?
It is strongly recommended students keep video on for the best learning experience. We want students to be actively engaged in instruction. If there is a concern, please contact your child’s school so we can work together.
Vaccine Clinics
Upcoming vaccine clinics and vaccine locations can be found on El Paso County Public Health website.