Widefield School District 3
Quick Links
- Bus Rules
- Clever
- Infinite Campus
- Email: ichelpdesk@wsd3.org
- Call: (719) 391-3011
- Remind
- Guide for Families
- Log in to Remind
- Email: higneyd@wsd3.org
- Call: (719) 391-3041
- Peachjar Flyers
- WSD3 Sideline Store
- Before & After School Programs
- Free & Reduced Meal Applications
- Family Supports (suicide prevention, mental health, military, food , housing, and health insurance)
- Food Distribution Centers
- Health/Athletic Forms
- Safe2Tell (anonymous reporting, if you see something, say something)
- Purple Star Schools: Support for New Military Students
- Academics
- English Language Learners
- Gifted and Talented
- Athletics
- Music Programs
- STEM & Innovation
District Calendars
all day
CA Foster Stadium
all day
Echo Park Stadium
Grand Mountain School
all day
NAAC Stadium
all day
all day
Sproul Jr. High School
Widefield High School
Grand Mountain School
Mesa Ridge High School
all day
all day
Harrison High School
all day
all day
Fountain Ft. Carson High School
Watson Jr. High School
Mesa Ridge High School
Widefield High School
all day
all day
Janitell AP Room
CA Foster Stadium
Widefield High School
all day
Webster Elementary School
King Elementary School
Watson Jr. High School
Watson Jr. High School
Venetucci Elementary School
CA Foster Stadium
all day
all day
all day
Mesa Ridge High School
all day
all day
Mesa Ridge High School
Grand Mountain School
Pinello Elementary School
Talbot STEAM Innovation School
Janitell Gym
Webster Elementary School
King Elementary School
Widefield High School
Watson Gym
all day
Venetucci Elementary School
French Elementary School
Addressing School Concerns
- First, talk to a teacher, counselor, or another trusted staff member at the school for assistance.
- If the concern is not resolved at the classroom level, please contact the school principal.
- If the issue is unresolved at the building level, please contact Central Administration at 719-391-3000.
- If after following steps 1-3, and your concern is not resolved to your satisfaction, please call the Superintendent's Office at 719-391-3001.
Help! Who do I contact?
Central Administration
(719) 391-3000 - info@wsd3.org
Student Registration
(719) 391-3556
Special Education
(719) 391-3050
(719) 391-3540
Nutrition Services
(719) 391-3560